So this is one of my favorite pictures. Whenever I'm with my friends and we're just sitting in a circle on the grass, I take a picture of all our legs and feet and whatever is on the ground. Then, later on I look back on it and I see memories of the whole day we all were together and all that happened. And just from that I can still picture the expression on everyones face. It was the last day of school and there were probably 25 of us there, but not all could fit in the picture sadly. We were all just at a park..I could go on and on with the memories, but my main point is, when I look at this picture, all I can say is: This Is Home. My friends have become more than just my friends, they're my family.
It makes me wonder when Jesus came to Earth, who all did he feel was his family. I'm sure his parents and disiples but was there anyone else? How big was Jesus's family, a family built with close friends? Just makes me wonder sometimes. He seemed pretty close to his disiples and it kind of reminds me of friendships these days, we're so close with our friends, then the trust can be broken so quickly, we betray our friends sometimes just like Jesus's desiiples did. I don't know about Jesus and his friends, but with mine, they're my family and when I'm with them I feel like this is home.