It's what everyone is looking for. It's what everyone thinks will satisfy them. It seems so real, yet impossible to find. He's going out with her, she's dating him...blah, blah, blah. The world we live into today, no matter what age, is motivated and desparate for love. To be loved. To love someone. To have somebody that loves you more than anyone else. It's like a girls farytale. A guys goal. But somehow through it all something just goes wrong. There is this pressure to find that love, and get it before everyone else. Or to try and keep what you think is that perfect person for as long as you can. What's the point of this? Someone's gonna end up confused. Someone might be hardbroken. It could be awkward. Is there any good way this can work? Because I know that I want it. I have friends and people in my life who want it. We desire it probably more than a lot of other things. Some people are afraid of it. Because they've tried to look so hard and have found nothing but crushed pieces of themselves later on. Some think that you have to give them everything to win them over, or keep them forever. But have you noticed the divorse rate now a days? And did you know that no one will be married in Heaven? The relationship will be even stronger than it was on earth with no distractions.
What I'm trying to say here is True it really out there? Are we trying so hard to find it when it is right infront of us? Or should we just be more pacient and not try at all? I think the only real answer is that you cannot find true love without God. There is nothing wrong with trying to find that person...but there might be when it is not in God's timeing. If it's convienint it is probably a test. We always think about right here right now at the time, but then the rest of the time we think about the future. It's so stupid. I watch as people fall into this same trap all the time. Why can't we just listen to God for direction?
This may still be question without answer. But I know that if we first find true love in Jesus, like he did in us, then maybe God will personally bring a true love for only you sometime soon. But for now, I'm just in high school...and honestly I know that I'm not going to remember every guy in my life. And that they won't remember every girl either. So to me, it's a waste of time...but it's so hard to keep out of the mind.
The best thing to do is makes it a tad easier. Pray for the person you might marry someday. God already knows who it is. Pray for them to have strength along with you and that you can both keep living your lives through someday find eachother. It won't be what you expect. So don't expect it.
I guess that is all on this confusing topic. Hope it brought you somewhere or at least made you think.