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Friday, September 24, 2010

Website Devo # 2

PSALM 63:1
Oh God, you are my God, earnestly I seek you: my soul thirsts for you, and my body longs for you, in a dry and weary land where there is no water.

Sometimes it seems easier to go through life without God. I mean, you'd think, since so many people do it, we can do everything on our own too. We don't need help from our friends, or our parents, or even God. This is one of the biggest lies society believes. When everyone around us can seem so happy without God, we think we can too. So we stop believing he is our God. We stop seeking him. We don't thirst for him anymore. On and on..but having God in our lives is like that verse. We do need to believe, no matter what everyone else believes, if we already know that HE is our God, and always will be when we seek him or not. Try and make it your goal this next week to seek God more than anything else. Thirst for him like you've just ran a mile and need water. Maybe your life is running, the only drink you'll find is God.

This verse is so true. We are living in a dry and weary land where there is no water. Everyone gets so used to no water that we start thirsting for something else. When the water is right there for us if we just believe and ask for it. Ask for the water, and it will take care of your thirst and cleanse your body.

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