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Thursday, January 28, 2010

Beautiful Ending

This song is called Beautiful Ending and I love it because it makes us really think about going to heaven and being sure about it. We have to ask ourselves if our lives are going to be by his side and know that as Christians, we have to stay with the committment of having Jesus in our lives. I think this song paints the perfect picture to go along with that. Hope this brings us more inspiration as Christians to realize what our ending will be and that it will truely be beautiful!

Love Always,

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Another Hero Song, must be a theme

So this song is called Hero. It is about how we can be heros to people and stop suicide. It also goes along with the movie To Save A Life. I think that it is very important that we as Christians, remember to be kind to all and we just might inspire others to be "heros" too. This song was dedicated to those who killed 12 students and one teacher more than ten years ago at Columbine High School. One of those students was Rachel Scott, a true hero. Before they killed her, holding up a gun to her, the asked "Do you believe in God?" and she said "Yes", and before you knew it, the one who's kindness probably prevented several suicides, was gone. The killers also committed suicide after killing the students and teacher. This is a sad story that I will never forget. See that we can be Heros and save lives!

Be A Hero!

Love Always,
Natalie Joy

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

The Lost get Found

This song is called "The Lost get Found" It is about how we are all lost at some point but there is a way to be found. We need to stand up as Christians and see the reason God has put us here. The song says "Don't lets your lights go out,don't let your fire burn out, somewhere somebody needs a reason to believe Why..open, your eyes up now, don't be afaid to stand out...that's how the lost get found. Why do we go with the flow, or take the easier road, why are we playing it safe?..."
We need to stand out as Christians and take the harder road and that's what makes us Fearless4Him.

After you watch the video, I hope you can see that we are here as Christians to help the Lost get Found. Don't play it safe...Don't be afaid to stand out (even though standing on your car might be going to extreams). I hope this video has spoken to you like it has just spoken to me.

Monday, January 25, 2010


I like listening to and watching the Skillet song Hero. It talks about how we can't survive without and need a Hero. Throughout the song it goes through the lyrics, saying, "We need a hero, save us now....Our Hero's gonna save us just in time!" These words speak to me because whenever I hear this song, I think about our "Hero" and all that he does for us. Where would we be without our Hero? We do need a Hero, and I'm so thankful that I have one. This week, every day I am going to post a music video to go with the song I am talking about. So for today it is Hero, and this video is very cool! I love how well it is put together with the song.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Wednesday:Fearless to say...

So I'm wondering what to call this or even what to say. I don't like forcing myself to write, but sometimes I get my best ideas by doing that. I write quite a bit and I will admit that I love it. Writing makes me completely content. Maybe it is because it is even easier than talking, which I do like to do, but it is just a way I can get all the words in my head out. I am planning to pursue a career in literature because all I wanna spend the rest of my life doing is writing books. I'm writing a book right now and it is just one of those things that I could sit there for hours doing. I love it when I get a new writing assignment at school because I get to say what I would in words right on paper! I don't know why I like writing and blogging so much but I do. Give me a blank Word page and I'm pretty much happy if I have something to write about. Today is Wednesday and I am Fearless to say that I am thankful for Word.

*Natalie Joy* *In author signature*

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

I am Fearless

I first got the word FEARLESS from the title of Taylor Swift's second album. And I thought about it for a while and realized how being fearless can fit into anyone's life. I mean we are all fearless for something and to me fearless doesn't just mean not being afraid of; to me it means to have so much of the opposite of fear that you love it unconditionally. And that is why the name of my blog is Fearless 4 Him, because I am fearless of God. I do love him unconditionally and with him I have no fears. So who want's to join me on my journey of being Fearless4Him? I'm gonna live my life without fears and be fearless for Him so I can help others become Fearless for Him. I think that's the only way I could make it through my life now, is if I step up and start being Fearless4Him.

Who's with me?